BCG supports with games App
Learning strategy building playfully
The Boston Consulting Group supports companies worldwide in developing competitive strategies and business models. In addition to direct consulting, expertise is provided in the form of publications, studies and books. In order to give business managers, decision-makers and founders an understanding of the different strategies and their application, also via mobile devices, a game app was to be developed that depicts a business simulation. The theoretical basis is based on the book “Your Strategy Needs a Strategy”, published by Harvard Business Review Press.
Neofonie Mobile was commissioned to design and implement a hybrid app for the iPad that communicates the strategies in a playful way.
Hybrid App from Neofonie Mobile
Your Strategie Needs a Strategy
In close cooperation with the BCG Strategy Institute in New York, Neofonie Mobile designed and implemented the serious gaming app “Your Strategy Needs a Strategy” as a hybrid app. In order to make the influencing factors of the environments and strategies tangible, the Serious Gaming App makes the player the owner of a lemonade stand in New York City. He has to sell his product profitably in five different districts and compete against the competition. Each district corresponds to a different strategic environment and therefore requires a corresponding strategic approach. The player competes against the fictitious Bruce (Bruce D. Henderson – 1963 founder of BCG) in up to three levels of difficulty. By means of the simulation, the user learns playfully which strategies work best in relation to the particularities of the city districts and which investments make sense. The player is supported by optimization tips with reference to the book series “Your Strategy Needs a Strategy”.

Mobile studying
Learning strategy is easy
Business knowledge can be easily conveyed and learned with the serious gaming approach of the Boston Consulting Group.
Seminar Function
With the so-called seminar function BCG can adjust the game level and setting to reflect a company’s specific current and future strategic environments. The seminar function also allows access to more detailed feedback on individual game play, including assessment of the player’s skills for each strategic environment and how well their approach matches that environment. The facilitator of the seminar has access to a dashboard with individual and group level results of the game in order to analyze game play and ground a discussion of company strategy in patterns found in the game. For even more flexibility, all games will be synced to the cloud so that they can be played on any number of end devices.
Backend with level editor
New functions including Scouting und Research
Crosplattform leaderboard engine
Detailed gameplay analysis
Export feature
Analysis of progress

Our client
About Boston Consulting Group
The Boston Consulting Group is an international management consultancy company and a worldwide leader in the area of business strategy. BCG supports enterprises from all industries and regions in using growth prospects, adapting business models to new circumstances as well as developing new business models. BCG values individual approach towards each customer and a fair cooperation. The Boston Consulting Group was established in 1963 by Bruce D. Henderson and is currently represented in 81 locations in 45 countries.